Outings & Innings provides various perks and discounts to Harvard employees including museum, movie and theater tickets. To see a full listing, visit their page at https://outingsandinnings.harvard.edu.
PLEASE NOTE: Outings & Innings has changed their website platform. In order to purchase tickets online OR at Kresge, you will need to complete a one time registration on the O&I website.
Longwood Medical Area Visits
The Outings & Innings Office regularly* visits Kresge Cafeteria on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Harvard Chan School.
*Please note that due to holidays, their schedule will occasionally change. Check their website for most current hours.
Payment Information
Payment during LMA visits is cash only; however, you can always order online with a Visa or MasterCard at https://outingsandinnings.harvard.edu and request to pick up your tickets at the LMA or have it sent to you.
Subscribe to the O&I’s EList
Keep up-to-date on new tickets and tickets that are selling out fast by subscribing to the Outings & Innings’ EList. Visit the Outings & Innings site to subscribe to the weekly Elist.
Outings and Innings Contact Information
9 Holyoke Center
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-2828 Telephone
(617) 496-4126 Fax