Workshops, Trainings & Community Resources

Live Workshops


The Center for Workplace Development in Cambridge offers a variety of additional courses to help with your skill building, communication, professional development and more. Check out their upcoming trainings or visit their website for more information!


The Office of Work/Life also has sessions for mindfulness, managing stress, and achieving overall wellness. Registration for their courses is open and available to all. Click on the title for a link to dates and registration information.

Self-Paced Virtual Programs:

Recommended Trainings for Staff Self-Paced List of Recommended Trainings StaffRecommended Trainings for Managers Managers list of recommended trainings to take
DIB and Remote Resources for Staff List of Self-Paced Resources Available for Staff to TakeManager-Specific Live and Other Training Resources Manager List of DIB and Remote Resources

Other Resources:

Longwood Mentoring Program
The Longwood Mentoring Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships that will connect individuals across our unique campus environment (the Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine) to help individuals involved expand their networks outside their team, gain new knowledge and insights, work towards career advancement and enhance professional skills. The program is open for mentees at grade 57 and under, and mentors at grade 58 and above, who are benefits-eligible employees on the Harvard Longwood Campus and who have worked at Harvard for at least 1 year. It is open to staff employees in all dynamic work schedules; hybrid, remote and on-campus employees. The program is entering its third year and with continued positive reviews from past participants.  The program was designed with the collaboration of the Office of Employee Development and Wellness and the Black Staff Caucus Committee for Career Advancement. Together, these entities have helped sponsor, research, and develop this program to support our community. The Longwood Campus Mentoring Program is open to all staff on the Longwood Campus. The Program is deeply committed to cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, inclusion, and belonging on the Longwood Campus. We encourage staff of diverse backgrounds and experience to apply. For more information visit the HLC Mentoring Program.
Recorded Trainings/Workshops
Manager Resources
As managers, there are a variety of tools and resources available to help you navigate your leadership position within the university. You can start by viewing the Manager Resources Overview handout for a comprehensive compilation of resources. You can also find more specifically curated content on Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging courses in the DIB and Remote Resources for Managers. Additionally, there are several self-paced online trainings available on the LinkedIn Learning handout that are helpful for any manager.
Harvard ManageMentor
Developed by Harvard Business Publishing, is an online learning and collaboration resource for solving everyday business challenges. If you need guidance creating a budget, suggestions for making meetings more effective, or techniques for motivating and leading others, Harvard ManageMentor offers best practices from world-class business experts on a wide spectrum of management topics. Visit the Harvard ManageMentor Page.
LinkedIn Learning

There are also excellent training resources available through LinkedIn Learning, an online training resource for members of the Harvard community, which you can access by visiting the LinkedIn Learning at Harvard site.

Harvard IT Academy

The new Harvard IT Academy is a CIO Council, FAS Research Computing and DCE sponsored, multi-year professional development program. Recent trends in IT management are changing the way Harvard thinks about information technology. In order to stay competitive and retain our valued employees, the IT Academy aims to enable each IT staff person to grow professionally and become a trusted partner to her or his team. The IT Academy is built on the belief that every IT staff member across the University (including technology employees at each school and campus) can grow in her or his area of expertise as well as building strong people and project management skills. For more information visit the Harvard IT Academy Page.

Universal Manager Training and the HLC Manager/Supervisor Series

Managers at Longwood are encouraged to attend two series of trainings – Universal Manager Training and the HLC Manager/Supervisor Series. Both programs provide unique training and opportunities for managerial development. To learn more about the differences visit the UMT versus MSS page. For more information on the differences between the programs visit the UMT versus MSS Program Descriptions and Comparisons Page.

CWD Leadership Development Programs

Each fiscal year, the Center for Workplace Development hosts a series of leadership development programs for leaders of varying levels. For more information, see current FY24 Leadership Development Programs.

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