Preparing for Performance Discussions – Managers (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Performance assessment and feedback conversations are critical for employee growth and retention, and for the success of teams. At times, these can be some of the most challenging conversations, and preparing for them can seem daunting and time consuming. During this live webinar you’ll have the opportunity to review a framework for performance discussions, review the performance ratings definitions and gain some tips for utilizing PeopleSoft. Agenda Review of Performance…

Weekly Meditation (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

This workshop is a mindful approach to well-being and managing stress through, breathing techniques, and an introduction to Sudarshan KriyaTM (SKY) meditation. To begin, we will discuss ways to manage stress that comes up in our lives. After that, participants will be guided through evidence-based breathing techniques for deeper relaxation. After these initial relaxation techniques, the course leader will guide participants through a 20-minute meditation, with time for reflection afterwards.…

Socialize Your Way to Health (KGA)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Over the last few years, studies have shown that social interactions and connections have significantly decreased, directly impacting our mental and physical health. This workshop will discuss the three vital components of social connection, why it matters, and how to boost our social well-being in a meaningful way. Join our EAP team at KGA for this session! Attendees will: learn how social connection influences overall health talk about the negative…