Preparing for Performance Discussions – Staff (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Performance assessment and feedback conversations are critical for employee growth and for the success of teams, and yet the uncertainty around how to navigate these conversations can lead to avoidance, anxiety, and stress. During this live webinar you’ll have the opportunity to learn best practices for demonstrating your achievements and navigating these conversations in the most skillful way. Agenda Tips & Tools to assist you in preparing for your performance…

Strategies for Promoting Gender Equity in the Workplace (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Presented by Rachel DiBella, Associate Director of Strategic Prevention Initiative. This interactive workshop invites participants to reflect on their influence as active bystanders, and roles in promoting a safe and healthy work environment. Using case scenarios and group discussion, content will familiarize participants with University values and policies related to Title IX sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct, as well as employee responsibilities when potential concerns arise in the workplace.…

Manager Discussion Forum: Performance Management Process (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Topic- Performance Management. Managers are in the midst of the Performance Management Process and evaluating the performance rating descriptions takes time and can be challenging.  Join us for an interactive exercise where managers work together to assign performance ratings in a case study scenario, and then discuss their rationales and decisions. Audience: HLC Managers Only Pre-Requisites: None Cost: None Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None The Office of Employee Development and Wellness…

Professional Development Workshop: Dynamic Work – The Future of Work (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Professional Development workshops examine a wide variety of topics to enhance your personal and professional development. Topics include, but are not limited to; networking, work-life balance, communication skills and personal branding. In this session, participants will join other staff members to share experiences and discuss our dynamic work successes and remaining challenges. It’s been four years since the pandemic hit, and while things have settled down, the nature of work…

Orientation & Networking Event (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Harvard Longwood Campus New Employees! Join us for an interactive opportunity to learn about the resources and support that are available to you. This session offers a unique opportunity to meet & engage with fellow new HLC employees. Please only register for this event if you are a new employee on the Harvard Longwood Campus (Harvard Medical School, T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard School of Dental Medicine).…

Negotiating Your Way to Nirvana (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Whether we realize it or not we are frequently negotiating both inside and outside of work. Melissa Broderick, Director Harvard University Ombuds Office joins us to share tips and approaches to improving your negotiation skills, and at the same time improving your communication skills. Audience: HLC Staff, Faculty, Post Docs Prerequisites: None Cost: None Late Drop/Cancel Fee: None The Office of Employee Development & Wellness welcomes participants to our programs…

Preparing for Performance Discussions- Managers (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Performance assessment and feedback conversations are critical for employee growth and retention, and for the success of teams. At times, these can be some of the most challenging conversations, and preparing for them can seem daunting and time consuming. During this live webinar you’ll have the opportunity to review a framework for a coaching approach to performance discussions, review the performance ratings definitions and gain some tips for utilizing PeopleSoft.…

Manager Discussion Forum: Authentic Leadership (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

60–90-minute discussion groups for managers to discuss and share their experiences on a specific leadership topic. Each forum will have a different topic with a brief overview provided and then opened for discussion amongst those in attendance. Topic- Authentic Leadership: and the roles of trust & empathy. While there are many trends in leadership development the Authentic Leadership Style is being widely discussed and how it relates to the themes…

Professional Development Workshop: Quick Tips for Improved Presentations (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Professional Development workshops examine a wide variety of topics to enhance your personal and professional development.  Topics include, but are not limited to; networking, work-life balance, communication skills and personal branding. This session equips participants with the tools they need to deliver compelling presentations with confidence and clarity. Essential strategies and techniques to enhance your presentation skills and captivate the audience will be discussed to assist participants in crafting engaging…

Managing A Leave of Absence (HLC)

Zoom Virtual Webinar

Managing A Leave of Absence will help provide an understanding of the Leave of Absence process, including the roles and responsibilities of both the employee and manager involved before, during and after a leave. The discussion will include an overview of eligibility for each employee class (Admin & Professional, Non-Exempt, Post Doc), types of leaves and guidelines. The leave types covered will include: FMLA, Short Term Disability, Maternity and Parental,…